Aveli Cellulite Treatment

No More
Cellulite Nonsense
What makes cellulite so frustrating for patients is that it can develop regardless of lifestyle. Then, once it develops, diet and exercise alone are rarely enough to make a dent in its appearance. At Leyngold Institute for Plastic Surgery, we are proud to offer an innovative treatment for cellulite. With the Aveli system, our patients in Meridian can experience effective cellulite treatment through a comfortable, minimally invasive procedure. Book your consultation with one of our specialists today to learn more and see if this is the solution you need to finally eliminate struggles with cellulite.

Hear Jamie's
Cellulite Story

What Is Cellulite?

If you are experiencing cellulite, you are not alone. Roughly 80–90% of women have developed some amount of cellulite since their teenage years. Contrary to what some believe, men may develop it as well, though it is less common. Despite being common, that does not make cellulite any less of a struggle for those who have it. For many, it can lead to feeling self-conscious about their appearance, even taking measures to hide affected body parts. Aveli is a procedure designed to eliminate this burden from patients’ lives.

Cellulite is typically caused by hormones or genetic factors more than lifestyle or weight factors. While physically harmless, the characteristic dimpling effect can leave patients self-conscious about their appearance. Since it is formed by fibrous bands rather than fat, diet and exercise rarely demonstrate improvements.

What Is Aveli Cellulite Treatment?

Aveli is a minimally invasive cellulite treatment that breaks down the fibers that cause cellulite at the source. Patients can see a significant reduction of cellulite banding with a single treatment due to the system’s precise method of approach. Using a technique called mechanical subcision, the Aveli system cuts through the fibrous bands that create the dimpling appearance of cellulite.

Benefits of Aveli

  • See notable and consistent results from a single treatment
  • Mild treatment that is well tolerated by patients
  • Experience a boost in confidence
  • Results are long lasting
  • Quick treatment with minimal recovery required

Is Aveli Cellulite Treatment Right for Me?

As a minimally invasive cellulite treatment, Aveli is open to a broad range of patients of almost any age. If you are dealing with stubborn cellulite around the buttocks or thighs, then this treatment may be right for you. However, it does not address pockets of fat or skin laxity; rather, it focuses on the dimpling. We offer additional procedures for such cosmetic concerns at our practice.

During your consultation with our specialist, you can discuss your complete goals and learn about the treatments available to help you reach them. For Aveli, the ideal candidate will be at a stable healthy BMI, good health, and have a realistic outlook on the procedure.

*Real patient results
  • Long-term cellulite reduction
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Single in-office visit
  • Meaningful results visible quickly

What Is the Treatment Like?

The treatment is performed at our office and typically lasts about 1 hour or longer depending on the extent of the area(s) treated. First, we will use local anesthetic to numb the treatment area for a pain-free procedure. Dr. Leyngold then uses the Aveli device to eliminate cellulite bands at each of the treatment areas. The Aveli system uses a three-part approach that optimizes the reduction in cellulite.
  • Identify: We use the device to locate a fibrous band to target beneath the skin.
  • Release: Using mechanical subcision, the device cleanly breaks through the band, which in turn releases its tension to relax the dimpling effect.
  • Verify: The device then verifies with sensors if the band was completely cut. This step is key because even minor strands of the band can retain the dimpling of cellulite if not fully broken.
This process is then methodically repeated for each area of cellulite that you want to treat. Once all the target bands have been broken, the treatment is complete.

Is There a Recovery Period?

Aveli tends not to require any downtime away from your routine, but there is a mild recovery period. Typically, this involves some tenderness around the treatment area as the tissues adjust. The discomfort is usually mild and resolves within a couple of days. We also advise avoiding strenuous activities for about 1 week following cellulite treatment to avoid any problems with the treatment sites. Patients may benefit from wearing a compression garment for about a week to aid in healing and improve comfort.

When Will I See the Results?

An Aveli cellulite treatment results in immediate release of tension from the fibrous bands causing cellulite, so results should be apparent within days. However, residual swelling can impact how the results look, so as it fades, patients can expect their final results to become more apparent. In most cases, full results are most evident in about 1 month and tend to be permanent since the cellulite fibers are completely separated.

Book Your Consultation

Take the first step toward eliminating cellulite today when you book your consultation at Leyngold Institute for Plastic Surgery. We are proud to offer Aveli in the Meridian area to help our patients bring the best out of their skin. Discover the benefits of our personalized cellulite treatment today.
Very Nice Experience!! With him and his whole Staff.
by Veronica G
Very Nice Experience!! With him and his whole Staff. They make you feel so comfortable and assured that your in great hands I highly recommend him he’s on point with his work, also concerned when you talk to him Loved being in their care what an awesome Team!!!.

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Our goal is to listen carefully, understand, and address your unique concerns, leaving you ecstatic about your results.