Lower blepharoplasty (Lower lid lift)

The lower eyelid area can be one of the first places where signs of aging appear. From loose skin to a hollowed-out look, various changes can leave you with a tired or aged look. But you likely feel just as alive as ever inside, so it is time to match your inner and outer selves. With lower eyelid surgery in Meridian at the Leyngold Institute for Plastic Surgery, you can tackle a range of concerns for a brighter aesthetic.
image of an attractive mature woman

Lower Blepharoplasty FAQ

Also known as lower blepharoplasty, lower eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can be performed to treat a number of concerns. Because the skin around the eyes is thinner than skin in other areas of the face, it is more susceptible to wrinkling, sagging, and puffiness. Lower eyelid surgery can address all of these concerns, and can help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

Lower Blepharoplasty FAQ

Insurance may pay for eyelid surgery that is performed to improve your vision or comfort of your eyes. Insurance does not pay for lower blepharoplasty surgery since it is performed to improve appearance of your eyes and face.
Yes. It is very common for patients to undergo surgery that improves function simultaneously with cosmetic surgery. The portion of the surgery that is done to improve eyelid function and/or vision may be covered by your insurance company.
Typically, the incision is hidden behind the lower eyelid and no visible scar exists. Most patients with bags in the lower eyelids have little extra skin in the lower eyelids that can be addressed with a Blue peel. Occasionally, patients with significant excess skin can have a conservative amount of skin safely removed from the lower lids. The bags are typically caused by extra fat or fat that is positioned abnormally. If significant amount of skin is removed from the lower eyelids in patients with little extra skin the lower lid can droop causing the whites of the eyes to show between the lower lid and the colored part of the eye. This is called lower eyelid retraction. Lower eyelid retraction is a sign of aging and can create dry eye. Lower eyelid retraction from removing skin of the lower eyelids during blepharoplasty surgery is probably the most common complication of eyelid surgery. Lower eyelid retraction can be avoided by having a procedure with an experienced eyelid surgeon who is acutely aware of the amount of skin, if any, that can be safely removed from the lower eyelid.
Patients often have wrinkles or texture changes in the lower eyelid skin. Texture changes cannot be improved with removal of skin from the lids without causing eyelid retraction. They can often be safely improved by performing a Blue peel at the same time as, or following, lower blepharoplasty surgery.
Yes. This is a common situation. The lower lids become loose with age and in addition to removing the bags from the lower eyelid the lid can be horizontally tightened and elevated to reduce this drop of the lower eyelid. For significant amount of white showing between the lower eyelid and the colored part of the eye your surgeon may elect to put a very thin graft made to lift the lower eyelid on the back side of the eyelid. It is placed through the same hidden incision used for lower eyelid blepharoplasty.
The incision is made through the pink lining on the back side of the lower eyelid. Using this approach, the surgeon can remove excess fat in the lower eyelids or reposition the lower eyelid fat into the dark circle in the lower eyelid. This incision is hidden behind the lower eyelid and is not visible.
It is often more complicated than that. Well-done cosmetic eyelid surgery needs to correct all the problems that have occurred with facial aging to make the lids look more youthful. Some patients only have extra fat in the lower eyelids. This is typically not an aging change as it is first noted as early as high school. This tendency to develop eyelid bags at a young age tends to run in families. In this situation fat removal alone can often correct the entire problem. However, most patients develop bags in the lower eyelids because of facial aging. In this case, the changes that need to be addressed are more complicated than simply removing fat from the lower eyelids. Simply removing fat from the lower eyelids of an aging face can cause a hollow appearance and hollow lower eyelids make one look older, not younger.
Several changes may occur in the lower eyelid that cause bags and dark circles. A youthful lower eyelid is full, short, and has no dark circle under it. With aging of the face the fat from the cheek and the lower eyelid separates. This occurs because the cheek descends or droops with aging which makes the lower eyelid look longer and allows the eyelid fat to move forward. This scenario creates an empty space between the fat of the lower eyelids and the fat of the cheek just at the edge of the bone along the lower eyelid. The situation can be described as two mountains separated by a valley. The first mountain is the bulging lower eyelid fat. The second mountain is the drooping cheek fat. The valley lies in between. In overhead lighting the bulging fat of the lower eyelid creates a shadow in the valley, “dark circle”, at the intersection of the cheek and lower eyelid.
The operation needs to be customized to each patient. In many patients the result is best if the drooping lower eyelid fat is transposed as opposed to being removed. In some patients the result is even better if the drooping cheek or mid-face is also lifted. In some patients who have significant hollowing or dark circles fat transfer must be performed instead of fat repositioning since there may not be enough fat in the lower lid to fill the dark circle.
Fat transposition or repositioning involves moving fat from the lower eyelid into the valley between the cheek and the eyelid. In other words, the fat from the lower eyelid is moved down to fill in the dark circle.
Fat transfer or grafting involves taking fat from another part of the body (e.g., belly, inner thigh, etc.) via minimally invasive liposuction and transferring it to the dark circle in the lower lid. The fat can also be transferred to other facial areas in need of volume restoration such as temples and cheeks for a more youthful appearance.
Recovery varies depending on the exact procedure(s) performed and the individual patient. Generally, eyelid surgery results in bruising and swelling of the eyelids. We ask that patients plan on being at home on the day of surgery and two additional days. During these first three days cold compresses are applied to the eyelids to reduce bruising and swelling. After the third day most patients can drive a car and get about without much difficulty. We ask that patients avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for two weeks after the procedure. Most patients will wear sunglasses for 2-3 weeks to hide bruising and swelling. We will provide you with detailed written instructions prior and after your procedure.
All medical procedures have some risk. You should discuss the risk of complications with your doctor prior to surgery so you can make an informed decision on how to proceed. Many patients select Leyngold Institute for Plastic Surgery for their procedure because they believe that the risk of complications with cosmetic and/or reconstructive plastic surgery may be less when the procedure is performed by very experienced surgeons with specialized training and expertise in plastic surgery of the eyelids and face.
Please do not hesitate to discuss any questions or concerns you may have regarding surgery with Dr. Ilya or Mark Leyngold.

What Are the Benefits of Lower Eyelid Surgery?

Many benefits can be achieved with lower eyelid surgery with only a single procedure. These benefits may include the following:
  • A reduction in wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes
  • A reduction in puffiness or bags under the eyes
  • An improvement in the appearance of dark circles under the eyes
  • A more youthful and rested appearance
Lower eyelid surgery can help you achieve all of these goals, and can give you the confidence to put your best face forward.
Be strong. Be confident. Be the star of your own life.

Is Lower Blepharoplasty right for me?

The best way to determine if lower eyelid surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. During your consultation, your surgeon will assess your concerns and your goals for treatment. We will also examine your overall health and your skin to ensure that you are a good candidate for lower blepharoplasty.
If you are considering lower eyelid surgery, contact us today to schedule your consultation. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about the procedure and help you determine if lower blepharoplasty is the right treatment for you.
image of Senior woman

Procedure Overview

Lower eyelid surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you will be able to go home the same day as your surgery. The exact details of your procedure will be determined based on your unique goals and concerns.
In most cases, lower eyelid surgery will involve making an incision inside the lower eyelid. This approach avoids any visible scarring. Through this incision, your surgeon will be able to remove any excess puffiness (i.e., fat) that is contributing to your concerns. In most cases, lower lid wrinkles can be successfully treated with a Blue chemical peel rather than skin excision. If lower lid skin excision is needed the incision is placed just underneath the lash line which camouflages any sign of surgery.
After the incisions are made, your surgeon will tighten any loose skin and reposition any fat that needs to be addressed. The incision inside the lower eyelid does not need any sutures. If the skin incision is placed it will be closed with very fine sutures.
Frequently, patient decide to combine lower blepharoplasty with other cosmetic eyelid and facial procedures such as Blue chemical peel, upper blepharoplasty, brow lift, and face lift.

What Is the Recovery Like?

You can expect some bruising and swelling after lower eyelid surgery, but this will typically resolve within a week or two. You may also experience some mild temporary dryness and redness of the eyes, but these symptoms can be easily managed with over-the-counter artificial tears.
Most patients take about a week off from work to recover from lower eyelid surgery. During this time, you should avoid any strenuous activity. It is also important to sleep with your head slightly elevated to help reduce swelling.
You will have a follow-up appointment a week or two after your surgery so that your surgeon can assess your healing process. It is important to attend all of your follow-up appointments so that your surgeon can ensure that you are healing properly.

When Can I See Results?

You will likely see some initial results from lower eyelid surgery right away. However, it can take several weeks or months for the full results of your surgery to be apparent, gradually becoming more visible with each passing day. Once the swelling and bruising have resolved, you will be able to see the full effects of your lower eyelid surgery and enjoy a rejuvenated appearance for years to come. It will still be important to take care of your lower eyelid area through a healthy lifestyle in order to get the most out of your results.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

You can take the first step toward building your personalized treatment plan today by scheduling your consultation by phone or through our online form. You will get to meet one-on-one with one of our experienced surgeons to discuss your goals and learn if lower eyelid surgery in Meridian is right for you. Contact us today to lock in your consultation and move toward a rejuvenated, luminous you.
Dr Ilya is truly a Master at what he does!
by Jose L
I had my lower eye bags removed. Dr Ilya is truly a Master at what he does! I went in there hoping for the best, and 11 days later I came out with a Miracle! Dr. Ilya is truly a Wizard… I have so much more confidence, and I feel terrific. If your looking to get yours done, I highly recommend your reach out for your consultation! You will be happy that you did.

Before and After Photos

Slide the arrow to left or right to see before and after results

Bags under the eyes can convey a haggard facial appearance. This pleasant patient is shown before and 3 months after the surgery to remove the lower lid bags performed in the office under local anesthesia by Dr.Leyngold. We are so happy with her more rested and rejuvenated appearance.
20 year old female shown 3 months after bilateral transconjuctival lower blepharoplasties
This very pleasant gentleman is shown before and 3 months after lower blepharoplasty (lower lid bag removal) performed in the office. He is thrilled with his improvements as are we.
This wonderful young lady is shown before and 2 months after lower blepharoplasty and 30% TCA chemical peel of her face. She is very happy with her eye appearance and looks more rested and refreshed.

Our goal is to listen carefully, understand, and address your unique concerns, leaving you ecstatic about your results.