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Breast Augmentation
Before and After Photo Gallery

32 year old woman shown 3 months after bilateral subfascial breast augmentation with left 385 cc and right 355 cc silicone gel smooth round Sientra implants

27-year-old woman shown 3 months after bilateral subfascial breast augmentation with 335 cc moderate profile highly cohesive smooth round Sientra implants and Durasorb (aka internal bra)

55 year 4 months after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with 320 cc Moderate Profile Plus implants and axillary liposuction

25 year old mother shown 3 months after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with 445 cc Ultra high profile Silicone gel highly cohesive implants

47 year old female shown 3 months after bilateral breast augmentation with 305 cc Sientra Moderate Profile gel implants

51 year old 5 weeks after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with 380 cc Moderate Profile Silicone gel Sientra implants

42 year old 3 months after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with smooth round silicone implants

Shown here is a 30 year old woman 3 months after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with
440 cc Smooth round high profile gel implants.
440 cc Smooth round high profile gel implants.

39 year-old mother is shown here 5 months after bilateral breast augmentation with
peri areolar mastopexy with 455 cc shaped high profile implants.
peri areolar mastopexy with 455 cc shaped high profile implants.

Shown is a woman in her mid twenties 4 months after bilateral breast augmentation with
Sientra Gel Xtra High Profile smooth round implants
Sientra Gel Xtra High Profile smooth round implants

38 year old female 6 weeks after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with 325 cc Sientra Moderate Plus Profile Smooth round breast implants

32 year old mother 3 months after bilateral dual plane breast augmentation with 340 cc smooth round moderate plus profile mentor implants